Dated: September 5th, 2022


Recent flood in Sindh and other parts of Punjab, Khyber Pakhtoon Khwa and Balochistan has devastated the life of women, men, old age persons and children. They have lost their house which flood has taken away, their basic stuff of life and other related material has also been lost. People have been suffering for their than weeks in all parts of Pakistan.

Hindus- the largest minority of Pakistan has been dwelling in Sindh province which includes 29 districts. Of which 23 districts are highly effected due to flood which has also been confirmed by Sindh government. Hindus has already been facing several human rights violations due to which they are already living a life under stress, on the other hand such floods has doubled their problems and stress.

Hindu Sindh Foundation- HSF and Pakistan Hindu Seva Welfare Trust- PHSWT have collectively organized a virtual get together to help the Hindus of Sindh with basic needs which includes, Ration for a month or fifteen days, health facility through medical camps and tents to live their life in a better way. Human Rights Activists, General Audience, Doctors and Journalists joined the meeting to help the community in different parts of Sindh.

Mr. Sanjesh Dhanja President HSF briefed the audience about recent flood in Sindh and presented the statistics from different parts of Sindh. He further stated that marginalized communities of Hindus live in rural parts of Sindh and are highly flood hit areas. HSF and PHSWT in collaboration with other philanthropists in Pakistan have provided with food to 300 individuals at Jamshoro by pass all of which were Hindus. Residents of by pass road Jamshoro stated that they were not provided with food and were discriminated due to their religion. Whereas other Muslim friends from Karachi also supported them with food and other stuff.

All Kathiwari Harijan Samaj provided their hall for relief drive at Karachi which was held possible in collaboration with HSF, PHSWT, Antim Yatra Sewa Samaj and The Education Sanstha, the collective food, drinking water and other necessary things were provided to Hindu families in Badin and Jamshoro district of Sindh province.

Mr. Naresh Kumar from The Education Sanstha thanked stakeholders and the audience and other organizations to support them for relief camp and stated that they will also organize several other camps so that the help could reach to maximum number of families.

Mr. Chander Kolhi Vice President of PHS stated the flood has ruined everything, nothing is left behind, and people have lost their children, loved ones, livestock, stuff and houses for living. He stated that it may take more than ten years to cover the financial loss. Heavy rain is expected again in the next week and the government should plan accordingly for the safety of Humans in Sindh and other parts of Pakistan; he stated.

Mr. Rano Mal stated that medical camps and ration is needed in different parts of rural Sindh and requested Mr. Sanjesh Dhanja to help organize a medical camp in Umerkot where people have migrated from different parts of Sindh along with their children.



